Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"Roswell" and "Alienation"

“Roswell” is a very interesting and intense show that premiered in the late 1990s, in 1999. Right after the tragic occurrences that happened in Columbine. The show uses the theme of the supernatural and has the main characters as “aliens”. When we use the word “alienation”, we are describing an experience in which you are being isolated from a group or activity in which the students should be involved, such as fitting into “regular” high school setting. The adults in charge, and that being set with “Roswell” being set in a small isolated town such as the town where the Columbine School shooting took place, therefore set the tone of the way the students felt about school and fitting in as a whole, but question them and making them feel more “alienated” as well. They even go as far to send the “aliens” own peers to investigate more information. Columbine relates to this because those kids two were outcasts and had set the tone in their town to be questioned, just because of their choice of lifestyle. After the Columbine issue I feel like it targeted different teens and showcased how something like that and an ever-changing generation to be different needs to be embraced, children should be allowed to the express themselves, and should be able to get professional help if needed. Maybe if these students did feel a sense of belonging and people were not so ignorant, this tragedy may have not occurred.

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