Sunday, July 6, 2014

Response to Media Effects Paradigm via Paradise Lost and Bowling for Columbine

Hello Class,

Please post your responses to last Thursday's readings (Jenkins and Seiter) and our screenings here. Consider how Jenkins and Seiter might respond to what we watched in class. How do those screenings trouble the basic assumptions of the media effects approach to studying youth and media? What most struck you about the clips from Paradise Lost and Bowling for Columbine (in relation to the topic of media effects and its critique)?
Your posts should be a minimum of 200 words.

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This is our course blog where you will write your posts as well as your comments on other posts. If you have any questions about our work on the blog, please consult the syllabus first. Everything is explained in detail there. Then, if you have questions, contact your classmates. Then, if you still have questions, contact Professor Fuqua at her email address (on syllabus) or DM her through our class Twitter account.